Lent in a time of COVID-19. Sadly, we’ve been here before. Yet in it, we count our blessings and gain new appreciation for whom and what we love.

Lent in a time of COVID-19. Sadly, we’ve been here before. Yet in it, we count our blessings and gain new appreciation for whom and what we love.
Missioner Tales in the Spring 2021 issue of Maryknoll magazine give snippets of mission life in Tanzania, South Sudan, Guatemala and Thailand.
Missioner trains farmers from tribal villages in Thailand to face climate change while caring for the earth.
Acomujerza cooperative, born out of the trauma of war, gives Salvadoran women the opportunity they need to support their children.
Maryknoll Sister Ardis Kremer leaves island of Molokai 45 years after bringing her adventuresome energy to the Hawaiian island.
In Hokkaido’s port city of Muroran, in Higashi (East) Muroran Catholic Church, Maryknoll Father Frank Riha is considered one of their own.
The first International Youth Advisory Body (IYAB) brings together 20 young people from different parts of the world to dialogue with the Vatican.
Maryknoll Lay Missioner John O’Donoghue accompanies sick and disabled people at Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity home in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Maryknoll Father Hung M. Dinh works to build up and sustain a sprawling rural parish in Tanzania with a network of catechists.
St. Joseph emerges in the Gospels as a man beset by problems, uncertainties and dangers, who, like us, had to live by faith.
A new book documents how courageous water defenders in El Salvador made the Central American country the first nation in the world to ban metal mining.
A new Orbis book, Fratelli Tutti, presents Pope Francis’ recent encyclical, which calls on people of good will to recognize our common humanity.
A teacher at the Maryknoll Language School in Taichung, Taiwan, reflects on the blessings she has received working with the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers.
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