Seeking Peace with Justice
In this issue of Maryknoll we see how Maryknollers missioners around the world strive to cultivate peace while working for justice.
Read MoreIn this issue of Maryknoll we see how Maryknollers missioners around the world strive to cultivate peace while working for justice.
Read MoreMissioners offer vignettes of mission life in Tanzania and Chile and at the U.S./Mexico border in our Summer 2023 issue.
Read MoreMaryknoll Father Michael Bassano accompanies those displaced by war in South Sudan to meet with the visiting pontiff.
Read MoreCatholics in war-torn Ukraine feed, house, clothe and minister to those fleeing violence while also praying for a lasting peace with justice.
Read MoreThe Maryknoll Deaf Development Programme (DDP) helps Cambodia’s deaf people come into their own as they learn skills, including sign language, and job training.
Read MoreMaryknoll Sister Patricia Ryan, who has served Indigenous people in Peru for 50 years, gives insight into the country’s recent civil unrest.
Read MoreIn Houston, Christie and Mesias Pedroza carry on the legacy of Maryknoll Father Gerald Kelly, caring for the poor through various ministries.
Read MoreMaryknoll Student Essay Contest winners for 2022 respond to Pope Francis’ Let Us Dream: the Path to a Better Future.
Read MoreThe Eucharist is an act of not simply remembering but recalling Jesus, writes Maryknoll Father Joseph Veneroso.
Read MoreThe hardening authoritarianism of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has led to the exile of 222 prisoners, the imprisonment of Bishop Rolando Alvarez and many others, and “traitor” laws which strip dissenters of their citizenship.
Read MoreOrbis Books publisher Robert Ellsberg previews an upcoming book, Henri Nouwen’s Ukraine Diary, in this issue’s Orbis Spotlight.
Read MoreReturned lay missioner Kim Mom, a Cambodian who served in her war-torn birthplace, tells why she feels God’s love now more strongly than ever.
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