
Fertile Soil: A Maryknoll Reflection

Fertile Soil: A Maryknoll Reflection

By Anna Johnson, MKLM Sunday, June 16, 2024Ez 17:22-24 | 2 Cor 5:6-10 | Mk 4:26-34 This week’s Gospel includes an image I remember learning about in Sunday School as a child: the small mustard seed growing into a mighty bush and the single seed of grain producing a mature head of wheat. In fact, one of the women at our church had a necklace with a single mustard seed housed within a tiny glass ball. She wore it around her neck most Sundays; I remember studying it and being in awe of how such a small thing could turn into something so big and mighty! As a child I was reminded that Jesus was the sower, spreading the word of God throughout the world. We were the soil. And if that word fell on...