From the editor: Going Quarterly

Let me start by apologizing to all of our readers who missed the July/August issue of Maryknoll. Due to the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Maryknoll, like so many other organizations, has been forced to cut costs drastically. One of those cost-saving measures was not printing and mailing the July/August magazine.

However, the July/August issue is available online at and can be downloaded in its magazine format onto a computer or tablet. To those who cannot access the Internet, we sincerely apologize and hope you will understand our decision was made in the best interests of Maryknoll’s ministries.

Sadly, as of this writing, the coronavirus is still on the rise in many parts of the United States and in countries around the world. The toll in human life and suffering and the full economic impact of this crisis are as yet impossible to assess. In light of this and to maintain first and foremost Maryknoll’s commitment to serving the world’s most vulnerable people, we will be making further changes.

Beginning with the next issue of Maryknoll, which will be mailed in late November, we will publish quarterly—four issues a year instead of the six that we have produced for the last decade. We remain committed to telling stories of Maryknoll missions, and we invite you to visit us on the web and on social media as we continue adapting to God’s ever-unfolding plan for our world and its inhabitants.

Lynn F. Monahan

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Lynn F. Monahan

Lynn F. Monahan is editor-in-chief of Maryknoll magazine and served as a Maryknoll lay missioner in Peru in the 1990s. A graduate of Syracuse University, he has worked for newspapers and newswires, including The Associated Press and Bloomberg News. He holds a master’s degree in writing from Manhattanville College, and is the author of the award-winning novel Pistaco: A Tale of Love in the Andes. Twitter: @LFMonahan