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Photo meditation on Martha & Mary
Serving vs. Sitting
By Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.
Martha, Martha, worrying about
So many things: cleaning, cooking, serving
Seeing to every detail of hospitality
So Jesus and his friends might enjoy
A good meal and a glass or two
Of vintage wine saved for just
Such an occasion as this.
But what is your sister doing
Or rather, not doing, as she sits
In there with the men?
Has she forgotten her place
And left you to fend for yourself?
The nerve!
Lord, do you not care that I’m left alone
To tend to you and your gang while Mary
Sits at your feet like a disciple?
Remind her who she is, of who I am,
Of who you are and
Tell her to help.
Sure, Mary chose the better part
To sit, listen and learn from the Lord
Who teaches by word and example
Of our duty to serve others as he did.
And so while Mary sits and listens
It was Martha all along
Who learned the harder lesson
Of faithfully serving
Willingly, happily and without
Resentment or complaint
All who are in need.