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Sacred & Wounded
By Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.

One wounded from all eternity by love
For humanity, the other
For love of a suddenly all-too-present
God no longer content to remain
Far off but now so close it hurts.

How could they not both be crowned
With thorns and pierced with lance
And sword of indifference and
Misunderstanding? And still
They beat first in unison,
Then in syncopated rhythm.

O most sacred heart of Jesus
Help me see what you see and
Love what you love even if it means
My heart must hurt like yours hurts
So that my heart might more perfectly
Reflect your own.

O most sacred heart of Mary
Purest love of a purer good
Noblest of all women blest
Let me know one moment of that
Sweet mystery when within your womb
There beat the heart of God’s
Only begotten Son.

May I enter into the mystery of
Divine love for humanity
And human love for the divine
Knowing the chasm forever separating the two
Is the source of my unbearable longing.

Turn your gaze upon me, Jesus and Mary,
That I might in turn look out upon the world
You so loved, that you lived and died for so
All humankind might forever live and love
In the shelter of your hearts forever.