From stone to flesh
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From stone to flesh
by Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.
Lord, take from me my heart of stone
Wounded, calloused, darkened, cold
Give me a new one like your own
Loving, caring, joyful, bold
That beats in sync with all the tears
Of those who suffer life’s cruel fate
Whose love increases o’er the years
Despite the plagues of war and hate.
You do not ask I change my way
Of faith in you but from the start
You ask I die to self and pray
That I might have a change of heart.
O let me never fail to hear
Your words of life’s most precious truth
That hearts of love instead of fear
Are living, loving, lasting proof
That you alone are real and true
You alone are right and just
We offer then our hearts to you
As holy shrines of earthly dust.