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By Joseph R. Veneroso, M.M.

On the night of his last supper
Gathered with friends in the upper
room he ate his final meal.

Word made flesh makes bread his body
Bids us take and share the glory
of God’s kingdom here on earth.

‘Round the table with him sharing
Broken bread then cross he’s bearing
Beckoning to follow him.

Seed once broadcast, fallen, buried
Harvested the sheaves are carried
To the miller’s to be ground.

Wheat from chaff the thresher scatters
To the winds but saves what matters
Into jars of finest flour.

Christians who break bread together
In his name forever gather
As Christ’s body here on earth.

Recognizing Jesus’ presence
In all peoples without difference
Who become one in the Lord.

Down in adoration falling
Rising to answer our calling
To find Christ in all we do.